
If you are looking for a more holistic and integrative approach to mental health treatment, with conservative approaches to medication, you have come to the right place. The use of mindfulness, positive psychology, meditation, and the creative arts will be used to help you achieve your best self. We will also discuss nutrition and lifestyle changes that will help you achieve peak performance. If you are someone who is motivated to feel better and would like to explore alternative treatment methods, this is the right place for you. If you would like a second opinion or consultation around your current medications and/or help weaning off medication, Dr. Bates can work with you and your doctor for a successful transition.

Are you:

*Worried and anxious?


*Looking to find your life’s purpose?

*Searching for deeper meaning in life?

*Seeking to find happiness?

*Dealing with a chronic illness or cardiac disease and feeling like no one understands?

As a psychiatrist with extensive psychopharmacology experience, and positive psychology coaching I have the experience to help you.